About Me

I have always been interested in cooking and gardening ever since childhood when I was allowed to roam free in my Grandmother's large garden in England.  My memories of towering bean tepees intertwined with green beans and foliage, rows of potatoes, cucumbers in the large greenhouse and a large ancient apple tree that held our tree house in place.

 I was always over there since we lived on the same 10 acre property, standing on a chair at the old wooden kitchen table watching 'Nanny Seagrave' cook and allowing me to stir the cake batter, or remove the peas from the pods.  The resident turtle that lived in the box under my chair occasionally looking up at the yummy treats being created and the dogs at the door watching encase any extras were coming their way.

My parents and grandparents had pigs, my brother and I would go exploring out the back fields that where long with grass waiting to get cut for hay.  We always ended up sitting on the metal pig huts watching the pigs grunt and dig and watching the wild life go by.

It was a child's paradise free to roam, pick blackberries from the bushes when in season, paddle in the small brook in the summer months and eat healthy organic goodies from the garden.

This grass roots up-bringing to when I was 8 years old and moved to New Zealand has inspired me my whole life to cook, garden and create.

I now have a daughter and I wish to create this dream childhood for here cooking, gardening and living in a sustainable manner next to the sea at Mangawhai Heads, New Zealand.

My recent adventure is NUTRITION BY NATURE KOMBUCHA check out the website on more about this amazing probiotic drink.


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